Product Description
Installation Instructions
Step 1: Place patient's arm in a downward position and clean venipuncture site with alcohol;
Step 2: Apply tourniquet;
Step 3: Remove the upper cover of needle and assemble the needle in holder; Perform venipuncture with arm downward and tube
stopper upper-most;
Step 4-5: Push tube onto needle, puncturing stopper diaphragm;
Step 6: Release tourniquet as soon as blood appears in tube and remove tube from holder when first tube has filled to its stated
volume and blood flow ceases;
Step 7: Turn the filled tube upside-down and return it to upright positions and repeat this inversion according to different additive
Step 8: Place succeeding tubes in holder, puncturing diaphragm to begin follow, see Recommended Order of Draw;
Step 9: As soon as blood stops flowing in the last tube, remove tube from holder and remove needle from Vein, applying pressure
to puncture site with dry sterile swab until bleeding stops;
Step 10: Dispose the needles into Sharps Disposal Containers according to related policies and guidelines.
Step 1: Place patient's arm in a downward position and clean venipuncture site with alcohol;
Step 2: Apply tourniquet;
Step 3: Remove the upper cover of needle and assemble the needle in holder; Perform venipuncture with arm downward and tube
stopper upper-most;
Step 4-5: Push tube onto needle, puncturing stopper diaphragm;
Step 6: Release tourniquet as soon as blood appears in tube and remove tube from holder when first tube has filled to its stated
volume and blood flow ceases;
Step 7: Turn the filled tube upside-down and return it to upright positions and repeat this inversion according to different additive
Step 8: Place succeeding tubes in holder, puncturing diaphragm to begin follow, see Recommended Order of Draw;
Step 9: As soon as blood stops flowing in the last tube, remove tube from holder and remove needle from Vein, applying pressure
to puncture site with dry sterile swab until bleeding stops;
Step 10: Dispose the needles into Sharps Disposal Containers according to related policies and guidelines.
Detailed Photos